
I have no class today, and that's just a billion kinds of awesome. It's been a nice relaxing day so far, with a trip to a nature center in Bloomington and a target run. Now I'm bopping between playing WoW and reading more Confessor.

The more I read (as I knew would happen) the more I loathe this book. This is the way of every single Goodkind novel past about #5 in the series. Why can't he write a book that I just enjoy the whole way through? It escapes me. I always like them (enough to go on to the next book, at least) when I finish them -- the endings are much better than the rest of the crap written on the pages. I swear, I could abridge this one into a 20 page short story just by taking out the unnecessary crap. This makes me read the books incredibly slowly, as I have no motivation to continue with the story at all. So anyway, I'm only a little over 1/2 done.

This is my version of the thought pattern that Goodkind must have had when deciding what to write about:

"Hmm, I need to do something original. I know! I'll make Kahlan be separated from Richard! Crap, did that already. I know! I'll fill pages with dialogue about life being important! Crap, did that alread. I know! I'll have Nicci get raped some more! Oh crap. Did that already too. Short chapters with Rachel being chased? Aww crap, did that already too. Um...OH! I'll mention what a bunch of brutes the Imperial Order is! Crap. Did that already. Hmm...what to do, what to do?

"I know!!! I'll just throw all of that crap in there and make it a book about football."

Yep. That's what he did.


1 comment:

Corey said...

I'd say it's more rugby than football, but I agree with the sentiment :-)