Nerves of steel

Happy New Year's Eve Day! So Kerry and I planned this little get together tonight, and there are so many little details bouncing around in my head that my head hurts. I'm a complete paranoid, as is obvious from the evidence. I have the ability of making myself completely sick over things that I worry about. Seriously, I'm surprised that I don't have an ulcer. Oh well, I make up for it with strange dizzy spells.

Anyway, we planned this hotel get together. Let's go through the list of worries. You can stop reading now, seriously. The purpose of me typing each of these out is to see in print just how silly each individual worry is.

1) I didn't invite everyone I should have.
This is bothering me. I based my invitations not only on who my friends are, but also on people that would likely be interested in attending. This is a low-key deal, also. I really don't know why I'm so upset about this one, I invited people that I typically hang out with on NYE. No one else even talked to me about it (or any NYE plans, for that matter) after the fact, so I should really just stop worrying about that.

2) It will get out of hand.
I'm scared that this get-together will somehow magically deteriorate into a college kegger or something. I know that this thought is ridiculous. Everyone's an adult now, and no one is going to throw a TV out a window or urinate on a sofa. No one will be passed out on my floor. Jeez, Ben, it will be OK. It's NYE for God's sake. It's OK to be a little louder than normal.

3) Important details will not come together
An example of this is the sandwich platter that was ordered yesterday. Jimmy John's was supposed to call us yesterday for payment, but never did. This isn't the big deal I'm making it into. We'll call this morning, and it will all get straightened out. If not, then it won't be a problem anyway, because everyone is bringing snacks. Ugh. Again, not a big deal.

4) I'm leaving my girl alone with my parents
OK this one has many layers. First off, it's our first night away from Gwen. Yikes. However, my parents are extremely competent, Gwen knows them very well and is perfectly comfortable with them, and she's not sick or anything. However, there are other details about the house that are freaking me out. This calls for a tangent! A couple of days ago we started smelling a kind of dry, dusty smell when the furnace was running. Of course, we called the furnace people and they sent a tech out. He looked at it, and there's nothing wrong with it. No carbon monoxide or leaking gas or anything that will kill us. There's dust or sediment or something in the vents, and there's not a darn thing we can do about it. However, I know my parents, and I know that they're going to smell this smell and automatically assume that they're dying of black lung. OK, my mom will. My dad will take it all in stride. So that's one fear about this evening. The other is their fear and hatred of cats, and the fact that we have two of them and they're the two most evil cats in this city, if not the entire state. Back to reality -- I must remove myself from these paranoid delusions. My parents will be perfectly capable of conquering these items, after some slight explanation. Oh, that and locking the cats downstairs for the evening. There! Crisis averted.

I'm sure that there's other things nagging at me, but I can't think of them at the moment. Heck, I feel better already. Dear friends and family, I'm sorry that I worry so much and that my worries touch on all of you. It doesn't stop my knowledge that you're all the best people on this entire planet. Love you all, and happy New Year!


areabassist said...

Perhaps that smell is hundreds of dead hissing cockroach spawn in your ducts.

takenob said...

Nice, another thing for him to worry about! He he. I too have strange worries. When we were in Esko this weekend, I asked Ryan if we blew out the candle that we lit on Thursday. Yeah, it was Saturday when I asked him. Looking forward to hanging out tonight! I promise I will be good and I'll only throw the radio out the window!