Music and Stimulants

Motivation for the Sleazy album is on the wane. I think that the problem that I’m starting to have is that even though it’s all done lyrically, I just have so much more going on that I either need to or want to accomplish. I mean, I’m only a couple bubbles from level 70, for cryin’ out loud! ;) No, seriously, I have midterms starting and a paper due. I think I could squeeze in time to record some stuff, but there’s really no motivation since there’s no prizes or anything for the completion of an album. Maybe what I’ll do is just record everything and not send it in. That way I can still involve myself in a CD release party. If one happens. W00t.

In other music news, I listened to Jabberwocky: Live yesterday, because I’m a conceited self lover. It was super fun, and spurred thoughts that turned into words that turned into emails and whatnot, and anyway, be prepared for something in the summer -- something like a long overdue Jabberwocky show. It will happen…we just don’t know when or where. Hopefully it will be somewhere and somewhen that involves a whole ton of people, rather than an empty room. We’ll see.

Now I’m in a musical mindset. I think that it was mentioned sometime on the jabberboard, but one of the most awesome things that I could possibly think of happening would be a huge music party get-together. Imagine if you will: The vast majority of my friends are musicians, and all are very creative. I want to get all of us in a room together, with instruments and a recording device. That’s just a recipe for excellence, in my humble opinion.

So it’s currently afternoon, and I just brewed some coffee for the entire building. Unlike the situation in my previous post where there was no coffee due to workplace savages that refuse to brew for the rest of us, the reasoning behind the lack of coffee this afternoon is that no one but me drinks coffee in the afternoon. I literally just brewed an entire pot of coffee so that I can have one cup. This will have the unfortunate result of me feeling guilty about the prospect of wasting coffee. To avoid this, I already know that I’m going to end up drinking

Or at the very least, as much of it as I can.



areabassist said...

I totally just hit 300 in fishing last night!

I hear you, though, on the album burnout. With 11 days left, I've got three songs to go, so i'm actually doing pretty good. I've just done so much so fast that I don't really want to do anymore. And I'm not actually sending mine in, it's more of a personal goal type deal. I'm still creating album art and submitting it to Clonus Records, but that's about it.

We should still have a release party. I nominate Rygar's house. ;) And woot to the Jabbershow!

Ben said...

Clonus CD release party at Ry-gar's place with a live Ghola set?
