
There’s a pretty astounding thunderstorm taking place right at this very moment. It was as dark as night for a while there, and then this torrential rain came blasting out of the heavens. My dorkiness is proven yet again here, because two separate thoughts came to my head during this occurrence, and neither one was of my own safety or the threat of inclement weather. The first thought was, “SWEET! Free car wash!” The second, “Hmm, I wonder if this is the storm system that is really hiding an alien invasion.”

My previously expressed goal of losing poundage is off to a good start. I’ve been more conscious about what I eat, and have been getting exercise every night (mowing the lawn counts!). I’m going to have a problem tonight, though, due to certain amounts of Mountain Dew, Cheetos, beer and the like that are guaranteed to be consumed when my compatriots join me in my basement for…you guessed it…Dungeons and Dragons. HEY! Stop making fun of me. I’m fully aware of how jealous you are.

So the Jabberboard has had this ongoing series of topics started by yours truly, dedicated to cover songs. The gist is that someone comes up with a theme, and people cover songs according to that theme. The theme for the latest round was “reggae”. I think it’s absolutely hilarious to cover (read: bastardize) the songs that close personal friends have written. Therefore, I took it upon myself to cover a tune by Ryan’s one-man death metal band, Kathetor. The result was…

Freaking awesome.

I had so much fun recording it, I can’t even begin to explain. Prepare yourself for Manifest Retribution. If you’re into cool sounding metal with rad riffage, I encourage you to check out the original as well.

1 comment:

rhyan/djay said...

Even being the completely egotistical bastard I am, I truly have a hard time deciding which version I like more. ;^)