Golf and Gatherings

Garglefargle. The most recent weekend was absolutely fantastic. I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted anything, so I’ve got to do some catching up.

Friday night was spent at home, just me and Gwen. Kerry was out that evening, but Gwennerpants went to bed at 7:00, so it was a fairly relaxing evening. I decided to brew a batch of beer. I got everything ready and was all set to go. Then the storm hit.

I was watching TV and they switched to coverage of the weather. So, I decided to hold off on the brewing until the storm had passed, because I didn’t want to be stuck brewing in the dark. It would have been ok, because we have a gas stove and a lantern and stuff, but it would have sucked, because I wouldn’t have had a timer or anything. The storm was windy and stuff, but really wasn’t anything to get all that excited about, and was over in short order. I then proceeded to brew some “Hop Scare IPA”, which I look forward to drinking in all its hoppy glory.

Saturday morning, my cousin had a bridal shower, which my girls attended. I went golfing with my dad, uncle, and cousins. It was a blast. We golfed on this course that had been recently converted from pasture to golf course, and still has a way to go. It was really fun, though, although extremely long grass on a couple of greens caused some severe additions to my score.

Saturday evening my girls and I headed over to Ryan’s house for the first annual Jabbergathering. I’ve developed a new anxiety related to parties, apparently. I was extremely nervous about the party for a couple of days prior. I think that it’s something to do with my “Morris friends” and my “Cities friends” and my “Bemidji Friends” all gathering in the same place…I fear culture shock. Heck, it wasn’t even my party. I’m such a tool. My toolness was proven tenfold by how much of a freakishly good time was had by all. I’m quickly losing my ability to claim that I’m the only person on the Jabberboard who knows everyone in person, because now a whole bunch of people know a whole bunch more people. This is a very good thing. It’s amazing how well everyone gets along when this equation is followed:

Jabberboard – politics – anonymity + alcohol = awesome^1,000,000,000

1 comment:

Recalcitrant Haberdasher said...

I'm always nervous of my friends from different parts of my life meeting each other, too. Not sure why . . .