Spreading the Disease!

So it’s been a while since I’ve written. Sheesh. Honestly, it’s been a while since I’ve felt up to it. What a crazy week it’s been. Let’s see if I can remember it all….

I finished my last final on Saturday, May 10th. It felt good all around. I wrote a solid exam, finished nicely early, and headed home with joyful thoughts of summer in my head. After arriving home, the girls and I promptly left for my Grandparents’ house. It was Mother’s Day weekend, and we wanted to make sure that my mom and grandma could see the Gwenner.

I started feeling a sore throat when we got home that night, but it wasn’t that big a deal. We cracked open a very nice Bordeaux that my parents had brought us from Paris, and watched House while drinking wine. It was pretty much a perfect evening.

The next morning was Mother’s Day, and Gwenster and I let Kerry sleep in. She got a nice break that day, and I hung out with the Punk. We went out for dinner that evening, and had a great day, but Gwen was starting to get really cranky, and had some kinda goopy looking earwax. Didn’t think too much of it at the time…

And then on Monday she got kicked out of daycare with a temperature of 103. Luckily for me it was the afternoon, so I only missed an hour of work. I came home with her, and started feeling pretty lousy myself. I checked my temp that evening and I was sitting at 101.5. Sweet. We took Gwen to Urgent Care that evening. It turned out that she had an ear infection in both ears, and one had ruptured. Poor thing.

Kerry was off work on Tuesday, as she usually is. So she stayed home with the bambino and I went to work like a schlep. I was home by noon, and slept on the couch for 3 hours. I felt like total crud.

Wednesday night the madness continued. Gwen had developed some blisters on her hands and mouth. We knew that there was at least one confirmed instance of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease at daycare, and a trip to the doctor on Thursday proved it for Gwen as well. So, I was home with her one more time. To top it off, Kerry had come down with a fever on Wednesday night. So she was home in bed on Thursday, feeling like total crud.

Kerry felt slightly better on Friday, and Gwen was able to go back to daycare that afternoon. Gwen got progressively better all weekend, but Kerry’s sore throat kept hanging on. She finally went to the doctor today to get it checked out. Thankfully, it wasn’t strep.

It was freaking Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. Seriously?!? The chances of that in someone over the age of 5 are really slim, but she managed to get it. Poor Kerry. With adults it’s really just a fever followed by a sore throat…no blisters on the hands or feet. So thank heaven for small miracles there. So yeah, this past week was like some sort of crazy run of diseases. Not cool. Hopefully we can be healthy for a while now. Kerry’s doctor prescribed some “Magic Mouthwash” which sounds like something with a street value, but really is just kind of numbing or something.


areabassist said...

Man, that sucks. Hope the whole family is getting better. You guys need to eat more bacon. Or less bacon. That should probably fix it.

rhyan/djay said...

More bacon than the pan can handle!