Ramblers, let's get rambling.

I’m really freaking excited to go out and get some golfing done. It’s that time of year again. Spring is in the air, the snow has finally melted, and I’m more than ready for the wonderfully frustrating sport that I adore so much. I’m fixing to hit the links with Rhyno if he’s available sometime next week. Next week is the golden week, because I’ll finally be freaking done with finals!!! My other golf partner won’t be done until May 15th. Sucks for him.

I seriously can’t believe how fast this year has gone. It’s rocketed by. My baby girl is suddenly this little kid that walks up and says things to me. It will seriously be way too soon that she’s walking up and saying, “Hey dad, can I borrow the car?” Sheesh. Anyway, the year has gone by at turbo speed, and next year at this time I’ll be just about done with law school. Like, completely. Wow, that’s just a crazy thought. Nothing left after than but a bar exam. No problem, right Lars? ;)

I’ve been watching a bunch of Metalocalypse lately. T-Rav "lent" me season 1 some time ago, and I’ve only just now gotten around to watching it. The 15-minute episodes make excellent study breaks. If you’ve never watched it before, I highly recommend it. It’s hilarious. What made it even more hilarious for me was watching it with the subtitles on. I did this for a couple reasons. First off, there’s a lot of loud music in it, and Gwenner was sleeping at the time. Second, some of the members of the band have horrid accents that are almost unintelligible. Anyway, by watching it with the subtitles on, I was able to read the lyrics to the opening song. If you have never done so, watch the opening song with subtitles. Pickles the drummer, doodily-doo.

Also, when Jamming out to the Sword’s new album, I noticed that they totally ganked Ghola’s “Rawk Into Mordor” for the main riff for Under the Boughs. What’s up with that, Sword? That’s it. We’re suing. Unless you can somehow prove that there’s no reason for you to have ever heard Rawk Into Mordor, and also prove that we most likely heard your song before writing ours and oh crap whatever we give up.


Recalcitrant Haberdasher said...

Yeah. Bar Exam. No problem. No problem at all.

rhyan/djay said...

Unfortunately, Under The Boughs was originally released on the Invaders compilation sometime in early 2007, well before Ghola existed.

Ever more unfortunately, it was posted to the Jabberboard by me a couple months before Ghola, too. Heh.

rhyan/djay said...

LOL Apparently I posted it to the board like RIGHT BEFORE Ghola started. Like, the day after you had the dream. LOLOLOL


Ben said...

LOL! It's all connected, man.

areabassist said...

Most of my riffs are complete Sword ripoffs anyway, so it's entirely possible. LOL.