Gorilla thunder!

This was about the laziest weekend I could have imagined. First off, it didn't feel like it should have been a weekend at all. I had only worked Friday, after having been off on Wednesday and Thursday. A weekend wasn't really all that necessary after a one-day week. Still, it was welcome.

On Saturday, Kerry, Gwen and I spent the majority of the day wearing pajamas and doing a whole lot of nothing. It was fantastic. During Gwenner's afternoon nap I continued my quest through Super Mario 3, and I'm now at level 8. Almost done! Hee hee.

Yesterday, Kerry and I started getting a little stir crazy by the end of the day, so we packed up Nennerpants and headed to the Mall of America for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. Um, yeah. That was interesting. Interesting if you like terrified toddlers.

You see, they put us in the gorilla room. This is a room surrounded by animatronic gorillas. Having never been to the RFC, I had no idea what to expect here. Our experience started off well, with Gwen very excited about fish and counting monkeys and things like that. Then, rather suddenly, there was a very loud thunderstorm in the middle of the room, and all of the gorillas came to life and started loudly proclaiming their gorilla-ness. It was cool, but from a two-year-old's perspective (based on her reaction) I have to assume that the result was sheer, abject terror.

After a couple more gorilla wake-ups, we decided that it would be best to just get our meals to-go. So we did. The whole way out, Gwen expected gorillas to jump out. She kept saying, "No more monkeys!" Poor girl. She got over it, though, and even asked to see the gorillas again later.

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