The whole book thing is probably the reason for the complete and total lack of blogs this month. You know, I can only write so much. I look at a blog and say to myself, "Jeez, that's 200 words that could have been in the book!" I'm a huge dork like that. Heh.
Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on. The first open house went well -- we had 5 parties come through while we were out. I spent the time over at Rhyno's place with my lil' girl (who flat out refused to even think about napping, but sat quietly with me for maybe 30 seconds and talked about the Vikings) and two cats (who cowered in fear and anger under the guest room bed.) Hopefully one of those 5 parties went away with a really good impression of the house and will buy it. We'll see. In these days of housing market doom and gloom, I'm still optimistic.
I'm starting to get into my usual panic about school. Finals are approaching rapidly, and as usual (and even more so during fall semester, it seems) I feel like I haven't learned a stinkin' thing over the course of the last few months. I know it will all come together like it always does, but I'm looking at a light at the end of this long, dark and dismal tunnel, and all I can think about is fearful panicked thoughts about failing all of my classes. Realistic or not, fear is still fear.
Hmm...seeing as how I'm currently sitting in class, perhaps I should pay attention. That brings up a different point, though. I'm in a class that meets once a week. For the last four or maybe five weeks, there has been a guest professor. How is that even remotely cool? Our professor is doing nothing. It's a bunch of dag-gummed malarchy if you ask me! With several other made up old-timey sounding curses! A pox on the man, by jove!
/Ben out.
We need to celebrate the end of your semester by drinking all your keg beer and playing D&D.
That sounds bloody fantastic!
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