Bottlecap Sand Wedge!

Yesterday my day started with crappiness. I went to Burger King for some tasty breakfast. I ordered a cheesy bacon wrap, and as soon as I removed it from the wrapper, a huge blob of greasy cheese fell directly onto my shirt. Upon arriving at work, I went to the bathroom to try and wash off the grease. I had no luck, and was forced to spend half the day looking like a complete idiot with a big grease stain on his shirt. At lunch time, I went home and changed my shirt. I don’t think anyone noticed. Oh well.

It’s funny that I went home, because yesterday was the day of my big work potluck picnic. I’m generally a social kind of guy, but when it comes to work I just desperately crave a break. Rather than hang out with coworkers over lunch, I grabbed some picnic food to go and headed home.

Around 4:00 PM, Kristian and I decided to go golfing. The problem with this idea was that it was 4:00 PM and we had no tee time. I called the golf course that we normally play at, and they couldn’t get us on until 8:00 PM. I took it…after all, this week is like the longest nights of the year.

Kerry and Gwen rolled over with us and hung out with Megan while Kristian and I hit the links. The place was absolutely packed, and when we finally teed off on the first hole at about 8:10, the sprinklers were on. This made for an interesting tee shot by me, which was (of course) magnetically drawn directly to the sprinkler. I managed to time it perfectly and not get wet.

Due to the inclusion of smuggled 16 oz plastic bottles of beer, our game started to get really interesting rather quickly. By hole number 6, we had decided that for the rest of the game, we couldn’t use a tee. Instead, we had to hit the ball from a plastic bottle cap (from the aforementioned 16 oz plastic beer bottles). On my first drive from bottlecap, I landed on the green. It was awesome.

By hole number seven, it was starting to get really dark. The bottlecap rule still stood, but now I challenged Kristian further and told him that he had to drive with my sand wedge. He hit it perfectly…it went about a thousand feet straight up and landed about 25 feet in front of us. I had a wonderful bottlecap drive with my 9-iron.

On hole number 8 I decided to join in the sand wedge fun. Kristian repeated his previous drive, very high, straight, and about as far as a sand wedge is supposed to go. I whacked the ball with the blade of the wedge and ended up shooting over the green. I laughed heartily. If you can’t be good, be lucky.

By the ninth hole, it was completely dark. We could just barely make out where the pin was. We both took to the tee box at the same time and fired (from bottlecap). I did not do well, but was still on in two. I then capped the night wonderfully by sinking a 20 ft. putt for par. I didn’t keep score, but I know that I played a very good game (especially compared against the other times that I’ve gone out lately).


rhyan/djay said...

I am jealous of your golf outting.

I went to a happy hour last night for Meghan's sister, and drank three 22oz Miller Lites in like an hour. It kind of felt like Gabby's. LOL

areabassist said...

I too am jealous of your golf outing. We need to get another duo/trio/foursome outing happening sometime soon. FORE!